Dear Readers, I’ve been in a bit of the doldrums lately but I think I feel the stirring of a slight breeze. I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel that I’ve been wandering around in, lost. I’ve begun taking 30 minute daily walks after work to begin working off a few holiday pounds that I seem to have acquired (I knew that once I began to succumb to a holiday goodie here and there, all would be lost). It’s time to get myself back into shape and ready for warm, sunny California weather and these walks seem to be clearing out some of the cobwebs which seem to have accumulated in my brain as well. Therefore, I present to you my answer to Question No. 2 from The Journal Jar; to keep my hand in the journal habit.
When I was a little girl and played with my friends, we played "Red Light, Green Light", "Tag", "Mother, May I?", "Statues", "Hide and Seek" and "Sardines" (the opposite of Hide and Seek). "It" hides and everyone who finds him squeezes in and waits for the next person to come along, etc. I loved this game, it was great fun! We played jump rope with variations of the intricate "Double Dutch" and "Chinese Jump Rope" (creating the Chinese jump rope was part of the fun; you needed lots of rubber bands).
When I was ten and in fifth grade, it was the rage to play ball games with a small "pinkie" rubber ball against the brick school wall. The only games I can remember were called "7-Up" and "Russia"; the names only, not how we played the game.
Do kids play any of these games anymore?