It's always very interesting to me to note which entries create a minor spark of interest. At least three people have asked me about what happened to our lizards of Shakespearian namesake fame. Now, these little creatures have a liftetime of about two to three years. Once we commit to bringing a pet into our home we always see it through until the end of its life. (I can think of one exception; had to find another home for a little dog we aquired via the "she followed my daughter home" scenario; a rat-like dog I never wanted in the first place. Never fear, it was put up for adoption around Christmas and found a home almost immediately). It's happy endings like these that allow me to sleep at night!
Oberon and Titania lived the good lizard life for about two years. We kept them in a large glass aquarium with big leafy sticks to perch upon and hide within. For some reason we decided they were happy running around on small, smooth pebbles which covered the bottom of the aquarium. Perhaps it was I who decided this was the right habitat since I was the one who cleaned their home regularly. This was a tedious job and as I recall, rather stinky. Why exactly is it that the woman of the house seems to have that rare gift of cleaning up after animals and caring for them in general? This must be so because for the most part I've been the one to feed and care for the lizards, parakeet, cat, guinea pig, dog, dog and cat which have graced our household with their presence.
So, you see, we and the lizards lived happily ever after until they reached the end of their natural lifespan in captivity. I never wanted any more because for all the responsibility, trouble, and expense a pet brings with itself, I decided at least I wanted something pleasant to look at, something soft to pet and something that responded to me in some way and a lizard provides none of these.