For the first time in over 20 years, the Thanksgiving feast won't be devoured at my house. For almost all of those years my husband and I have singlehandedly planned, purchased, baked, chopped, mashed and roasted the entire meal for as few as nine (this happened once) and as many as 26 people. Over the years our guests have always volunteered to bring a dish to help lessen our load but it's been only recently that my husband agreed--at my insistance--that some help would be most welcome. True, the items offered may not taste exactly the same as we make them but there comes a time when one needs to recognize the need for help and accept it. That time had long since passed and thank God my darling husband finally came to his senses.
I know our Thanksgiving feasts have been very popular, much enjoyed and happily anticipated by my family. For the last couple of years, we've hinted in a not so subtle way that we were ready for a break and wouldn't someone else like to host this holiday dinner? This was the moment when the clinking of silverware against fine china and the general atmosphere of bonhommie came to a crashing halt; however, no one spoke up to volunteer. The gaiety resumed, the subject was dropped...or ignored...and that was that. I believe we were trying to generate some interest among the younger generation of our family. You know. I'm referring to all those people who used to be relegated to the 'kid's table" but have long since grown up into adults ranging in age from 26 to 30.
The ball of indecision about who was going to do Thanksgiving this year rolled about aimlessly for some time before my daughter and son-in-law picked it up and announced Thanksgiving would be celebrated at their home this year. Hallelujah! I feel as though the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders. It is for these two wonderful people I feel most thankful this Thanksgiving.
I originally intended this to be my contribution to the current Weekend Assignment. That, however, asks for an entry about someone we're thankful for who won't be with us this Thanksgiving. Sure, I could've written volumes about very special people who are no longer of this earth for whom I'm extremely thankful and love dearly. I wanted to go in this direction this time so this entry will stay right here. Thank you my darling daughter and dear son-in law. I am looking forward to this Thanksgiving so very much!