Monday, April 26, 2004

This and That

And I am frustrated too!  Sometimes I think this whole computer business is getting the upper hand on me and I musn't let that happen.  This is supposed to be for pleasure, right?  I just knew it was a fluke that I managed to get my picture so nicely into the beginning of my 4/18/04 entry.  I have no idea how on earth I did it which is obvious when you look at the miserable rendition of the picture that appears on "House on the Hill". 

Being able to view this house properly was an integral part of the entry.  You can't imagine the anguish and frustration I went through to get that picture in there.  There's got to be a secret to it that I'm just not yet privy to.  If I were I great writer, the time and effort I put into that attempt might have netted me the Pulitzer Prize for the great novel I could've written in the same time frame.  LOL!  Maybe someone can give me some pointers and if so, please remember to spell it out like you're talking to a beginner.  I've noticed that there are a lot of nice people out there in Journal Land who are very willing to help.  That's really wonderful and makes for a terrific resource.

Wish me luck!

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