Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Should Anyone Wonder, I'm Still Here

It seems I've been on an unintentional hiatus from journal writing.  It's been time to re-enter my precomputer world for a bit.  After all, if one doesn't do some actual "living", there would be nothing to write about.

This has also given me some free time to read journals.  I'm fascinated by the many different styles of writing.  Some write so eloquently about subjects that I couldn't begin to address.  I am often filled with awe and admiration of what the combination of people's knowledge, opinions and writing skills produces.  As I read the vast assortment of journals, some really stand out and tell me I'd probably like to meet the writer.  I'm fairly sure that a person's writing style reflects a good part of their personality.  Even if what I read isn't exactly straight out of real life, no matter; it's not so much what one writes about but how one writes.

This journal, and my other journal which has been sadly neglected for some time, may sit on the back burner for a little while but I'll be back......soon.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy the summer. Journaland will be here when you're done. ; )

Anonymous said...

Have a wodnerful Holiday weekend!!  Isn't it funny how we tend to get a little wrapped in our J-Land friends, instead of living our lives??  I catch myself doing that every now and then.


Anonymous said...

I have to seek that balance real life is pretty exciting as it is :-)  and then to add the excitement of J-land, well, sometimes I need to hide from everyone in the tub with a good book.