Monday, August 9, 2004

One of the Highlights of My Week

Picture from Hometown

Time once again to play Patrick's Saturday Six.  Yes, I know the weekend's passed but technically, this is my Sunday so I'm still within bounds.

1. How many E-mails are in your mailbox that you have already read, but are "holding" there anyway?


2. You learn that a loved one committed murder.  You are the only one who knows besides the loved one himself.  Would you turn him in?

Sorry, there's no black or white answer to this question; lots of shades of grey.  It would depend entirely on the circumstances.


3. How much was your total bill the last time you filled up your car's gas tank?

This is a luxury in which I rarely indulge.  I usually put in $15 maximum at a time.  If I did fill the tank, it would've cost me $26.20.

4. On an average day, how many AOL Journals do you visit?  How many do you have set up to send you an alert when a new entry is added?  How many AOL Journals do you have on a subscription list such as "Bloglines?"

I visit anywhere from 5 to 15 journals a day.  I have 5 alerts set up presently.  I never heard of a journal subscription list; will check this out.  I have links set in my Favorites for the AOL Journal Directory and New to Journals Membership Directory.  These two links provide me with enough options for now.

5. What particular sport are you most looking forward to seeing in the Summer Olympics?

My favorite sport to watch in the Summer Olympics is the gymnastic competition.  I'm in a state of constant awe at the things these people can do.  I can't even do a cartwheel!  Close second choice is diving.  Nope, don't dive either.

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #15 from Armand: If you could choose the one statement (of your own) that you would be popularly quoted for after your death, what would it be?

It would be, "In my next life I'm going to do and/or be_______(fill in the blank."


Much as I love to play the Saturday Six, this isn't why my mood choice is "ecstatic" for this particular entry.  I chose ecstatic because this entry represents my first successful accomplishment of "cutting and pasting" parts of another's journal into mine.  A small thing, I know, but this has been a major obstacle for me to conquer.  I'm encouraged!




Anonymous said...

Victory over "cut and paste" makes you ecstatic?  My, easily entertained, aren't we?  (And I can totally relate!)  (LOL!)   Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

Too right!  Doesn't take much to thrill this girl.  Don't know why I found this so difficult; just chalk it up to starting at square one as far as computer savvy goes!

Anonymous said...

yep, I was that way too when I figured it out, and then how to add graphics and then how to link those grpahics.  It does fill you with a sense of accomplishment or pride doesn't it?  Who cares how small it is, we actually did it ourselves!

I love the diving and gymnastics also!


Anonymous said...

OOOOHHHHHHHHHH....Mom, I love the diving and the gymnastic too....but only the mens competition with those tight outfits :) And the worst of all dancing...*you know the competition with a couple where the male partner does the one special lift "right" there where most doctors would say "for the love of god, put on a glove man!"...I just am waiting to hear them spinning the girl in that position  saying "whose your dadddy!!!!!!!!!?"

* this is part of a very funny Robin Williams skit, I do not take credit for the lines, just feel the same way!

Anonymous said...

Ecstatic, then you must do it again.  Just visiting your journal for the first.  Should have filled out the same questionnaire, but won't and can't.  Will be back to visit   you and  your mind.  Race