Sunday, November 14, 2004

Time Once Again For that Highly Addictive little game called The Saturday Six

Picture from Hometown

1. Who is the last house guest you invited into your home and was it a pleasant visit?

One of my sisters who comes to spend Thanksgiving and some of the long weekend with us was my last house guest.  She'll be with us again before long for another Thanksgiving.  It's always a wonderful treat to have her company for a few days.  I can't wait!

2.  Other than to work or school, where was the last place you drove?

Sigh!  The grocery store.

3. In terms of emergency supplies, how many of the following do you have in your home?  A) Candles  B) Fresh batteries  C) Containers of bottled water

I fall rather short on this one, I'm afraid and shame on me because I live in earthquake country.  I know I should be better prepared.  I always have lots of candles around, occasionally have a couple of AA batteries rattling around in a drawer and I don't have a supply of bottled water.  However, I do know that in an emergency situation, the water in the cistern behind the toilet is perfectly safe to use.  Now, don't you feel better for knowing that?!

4. You're invited to a pot-luck dinner:  what specialty do you offer to bring?  (It has to be something you can cook yourself, not something you bring from a store!)

Funny you should ask; I just went to one of these last night.  Lately, I've been bringing my homemade pumpkin pie which I've altered to be sugar-free and egg-free.  I swear you can't tell the difference from the original.

5. Which of the following do you feel is the most true based on your own life experiences:
A) It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
B) The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
C) To have a friend, you must first be a friend.
D) Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
E) Never judge a book by its cover.
F) The tree of knowledge bears the noblest fruit.

E) Never judge a book by its cover, most definitely

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #31 from Cherie:  We have all watched movies and TV shows that have inspired us to want to do what the characters in the show are doing, (doctors, lawyers, politicians, fire fighters, etc).  Has there ever been program that you watched that made you realize that the occupation of the characters was something you could NEVER become?

Fascinating though I'm sure it is, I couldn't do what the characters do on CSI, Crime Scene Investigation.




Anonymous said...

I picked E too.


Anonymous said...

i was wondering if you could send me an mp3 or something of the theme from poirot?  i've been searching for it for about an hour now, i have had no luck...but if you were listening to it, then maybe you have an mp3 or wav file of it...hopefully.  you could send it to me through aim if you're willing to...that would be great.  carlyefaery is my aim name. thanks