Saturday, September 17, 2005

Saturday Six - Episode 75

Picture from Hometown

1. When is the last time you took a vacation and went basically nowhere?  Was it as relaxing as previous vacations where you have actually planned a trip?  A little over a month ago I took a week off from working when I left one job to begin another. I wouldn't say it was relaxing because I had lots of places to go and things to do to prepare for my new job. Also, I was apprehensive and excited about starting a new job in a new place after so long. I have used vacation time in the past and stayed home, puttering about doing just what I wanted to do and these have been extremely relaxing vacations. I highly recommend them as a chance to enjoy the home we work so hard all year long to maintain.

2. Take this quiz: Which historical lunatic are you?

You are Joshua Abraham Norton, first and only Emperor of the United States of America!   Hmm.  I highly suspect this may be the only answer.  My husband took this quiz and came up with the same results.

3. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #64 from Jaymi:   What is your favorite book from childhood and why?  As always, these "choose one" questions are so difficult. I will pick Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. This is a charming book which reads well on many levels. It's as enjoyable a read today as it was when I received it as a birthday gift from one of my older sisters so long ago.

4. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #65 from Hannah:  What book character do you most identify with and why?  Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz because, after all, there's no place like home.

5. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #66 from Holly:  What do you think is an appropriate gift to a party?  What do you consider a quality Christmas gift from an acquaintance to a party or get together, a friend, and a GREAT friend?  A lot depends on what sort of party it is and the social habits of who's hosting it. I always think a nice bottle of wine is an appropriate gift; if the host is a teetotaler, they can always give it away or open it up and offer me a glass. A quality Christmas gift from an acquaintance to bring to a party or get together could be, again, a nice bottle of wine or a good box of chocolates. A quality Christmas gift to a friend could be a unique Christmas ornament. A quality Christmas gift to a Great friend could be a very nice bottle of wine and an exquisite, unique Christmas ornament. Yes, I enjoy wine, I live in one of the most beautiful areas of northern California's wine country and I make no apologies.

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #67 from Judi:  If you had to make a choice for the rest of your life between food and sex, which would you choose, provided the following conditions: If you chose sex, you would never feel hungry, but just wouldn't be able to enjoy a nice meal or the tastes of good food or drink; if you chose food, you would no longer have the physical intimacy and pleasure, but you still wouldn't feel deprived of it.  In other words, whichever one you choose to give up will be a series of pleasures you'll never be able to experience firsthand again.  Firstly, I would like to congratulate Judi for providing one of the most interesting, thought-provoking questions ever to appear in the Saturday Six. This is a the extreme!  I love both. A lot has to do with how old one is when answering this question but that's not part of the equation. I'm not young, but I'm not that old either. I would!







Anonymous said...

I'm sorry...I would choose food.   The world of food is so much larger, more varied, and more nuanced than sex.  Especially monogamous sex.  I mean, I love  my husband, but after awhile, you've pretty much done all the things you're ever likely to do, sex-wise...  LOL!  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

No mom, there is more than one answer to the quiz...I was
"You are Charles VI of France, also known as Charles the Mad or Charles the Well-Beloved! " So I guess we must not answer alike eh??

Anonymous said...

oh, and I too would choose sex over food!