Sunday, September 4, 2005

Sunday Seven - Episode 1

Picture from Hometown

"The Sunday Seven" will feature a single question with seven answers.  Sometimes, you'll have to rank seven things, other times you'll have to list seven things you come up with on your own to answer the question.

 Here, in alphabetical order, are The Seven Deadly Sins

Anger, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride and Sloth

Rank the seven sins in the order that you most often commit them, one being the sin you're usually most guilty of, seven being the sin you're usually least guilty of.

1.  Pride  2.  Envy  3.  Sloth  4.  Lust 5.  Gluttony  6.  Greed  7.  Anger


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Numbers 4 and 3 should be 1 and 2, and in your case number 4 isn't a sin. Its an art!