1. Think back to weddings you have attended (other than your own): what was the nicest part of the one you liked the most?
Invitations to weddings are far and few between at this point of my life. I would pick my daughter's wedding that took place on June 1, 2003. This was her second ceremony that I was witness to. The nicest part was that this time I knew her new husband was the right one, the one that was meant to be, a real "keeper".
2. What is your favorite color and which room of your home has the most of this color in it?
My favorite color is green and the room which reflects this preference the most is my closet where about one-third of the clothes hanging there are assorted shades of green.
3. What is your favorite kind of popcorn:
A) Unsalted
B) Buttered
C) Extra Butter
D) Kettle Corn
E) Caramel Corn
B) Buttered (Love the stuff, rarely eat it.)
4. Take a little time (!!) for a quick inventory of the clocks in your home: how many do you have and what is the widest difference between any two of them?
There are 12 places to check the time in my house, including 3 watches. The widest difference in time is 5 minutes ahead which is what both alarm clocks on either side of our bed are set to. The rest are set at the same time, more or less, that I believe to be the "real" time. I often wonder how anyone knows what that actually is!
5. When was the last time you used a real rotary dial telephone to place a call?
Probably some time around 1980 at my parents' house. I remember their phone was red and it took my folks a long time to get around to installing a push-button model.
6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #34 from Shannon: What is your favorite sport and why?
I don't really have a favorite sport but if I had to choose, it would be boxing. My husband likes to watch boxing matches sometimes and this is something I don't mind watching with him. It's fast paced, and I like the one-on-one rather than a team effort where there always seems to be "star" players who get more media coverage than the rest of the team.
#4--LOL! Does EVERYBODY do that? Lisa :-]
Thanks for sharing. Green's my favorite too. : )
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