Thursday, December 30, 2004

Weekend Assingment #41 Pet Resolutions

Weekend Assignmet #41: Make a new year's resolution... for your pet. If you have more than one pet, of course, feel free to make resolutions for any or all of them.

This shall be short and sweet.  Thank you, John.  This is perfect for the New Year's weekend assignment.  But then, you knew that!

We just welcomed a little kitty into our home five days ago.  His resolution for the new year will be that he will develop such a craving desire and love for dry cat food that he'll forget that nasty cat food in cans even exists.  Right.  And now I'd like to interest you in a bridge I have for sale!!!

Extra Credit: Imagine what your pet would make as a resolution for you.

My cat's resolution would be that we never stop thinking that having him share our bed is the nearest thing to heaven on Earth that we could possibly imagine and nothing could make us change our minds.


Anonymous said...

Good luck on the cat food.  Mine will eat kibbles, but they really like the bowl sweetened with a forkful of canned...

The only way I have found to keep kitties off the bed at night is to shut them out of the room.  And we do.  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

Just clicking through ... we're new to J-Land and have had quite a good time following all the pet lover's links on Mr. Scalzi's site. Was reading through some of your recent entries ~ we have a 5 year old German Shepherd and, for Christmas, we just added an 8 week old Himalayan kitty to our family! Himalayans, as you probably know, came about from many years of cross-breeding Persians with Siamese ... the result ~ beautiful Siamese seal point markings with all the fluffiness of a Persian!
Good luck with the new kitty!