Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Thanksgiving's Leftover Thoughts

The last of the turkey has been relegated to the freezer in the form of soup.  The lingering triangles of pie have been divvied up among us.  Thanksgiving is over and, once again, we survived.

We had a wonderful day, the food and company was superb and we had quite a bit of help with guests supplying some of the "fixin's".  Even so, I found the day overwhelming and, truly, it's time to take a hiatus from hosting the big feast.  This year I was more organized than usual and while things flowed along very smoothly, I was acutely aware of having little or no time to actually visit with any of my company.

This was the company I love to have visit me.  I receive great strength from my family and to have all of them together in one place is close to a spiritual feast for me.  I love having my dear Auntie, cousin, nieces, nephews, their significant others and my in-laws by marriage join us for the day.  I love having my daughter, my very dear son-in-law and their little family living close enough to be able to join us for these special times.  I especially enjoy being in close proximity to my two sisters and my brother.  These three and I are the remaining core of my immediate family from my growing-up years.

Despite the fact that I had done so much ahead of time, there was still no time to actually sit and visit with any of them.  I want to go to someone else's house next year.  I want to bring a dish, drop it off in the kitchen and be done with it.  I want to circulate merrily through the crowd spreading congenial cheer.  I love hosting this day for my family; my husband and I are just getting tired, I guess.  Oh, how I admire all the mothers and grandmothers who've been responsible for providing Thanksgiving dinners for so many years.  It's not easy!

Now, I look to my most favorite season of the year--Christmas and all its glory.  Just the word "Christmas" evokes in me a magical, comforting feeling.  Soon I will transform my home into a fairyland of lights, decorations and such, ultimately to become a beautiful, softly-lit haven for my family to return home to on these cold days after work and school.  This is one of my happiest, pleasantly anticipated creations of the year.  Oh yes, I'm in my element now!  



Anonymous said...

I hosted our family for the weekend, and though there aren't that many of us left, it WAS a big job.  I've only been doing this for the last three years, and I've got to tell you, I SUCK at it!  Something about an old dog learning new tricks, I guess...  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

We've decorated for Christmas and it feels so great. I usually don't like decorating too early but I must say, it feels so good.....Nothing like Christmas. : )

Anonymous said...

paper plates and plastic forks fro one would have noticed! I will insist upon this! we will take it next year, we just need some outdoor heating and to scale it down a bit :)