Monday, January 23, 2006

Saturday Six Episode 93

1. Do any of your friends, family or co-workers know about your blogs? For those that do, did you tell them or have they stumbled upon it by themselves?

I would say just about everyone in my family knows I have a journal. They know because I told them all about it when I began writing; no one stumbled upon it accidentally. I wish I hadn't and if I had it to do over again I wouldn't share the fact that I had an online journal with anyone in my family. If the subject happens to come up among friends or co-workers, I've mentioned that I write in one, enjoy doing so and don't usually expand beyond that.

2. How did you come up with the title of your blogs?

I used to have two journals but only write for one of them these days. I seem to have exhausted my subject matter for the time being for "Musings of a Naturist". The title simply reflects the fact that I became a naturist several years ago and wanted to share my thoughts on the subject. "Musings" is a more melodic, pleasing word than "thoughts" and there you have it. My current journal, "Another Country Heard From" comes from a phrase my mother used frequently while I lived at home with my parents. Often when there was a discussion of some sort going on among family members, someone else not necessarily part of the conversation would pipe up with their opinion and my mother would say, "Ah, another country heard from". Now that I think about it, I suppose it's just a more fanciful way of saying "my two cents" and if there's ever a more fanciful route to take in linguistics, you can safely bet I'll take it.

3. Do you prefer to have many projects going on at once or do you prefer multitasking?

I believe this question meant to ask if I prefer to work on one task at a time or do I prefer multi-tasking. I'd rather work on one project at a time but these days there's often no other way to get things done than to multi-task even a little. I try to keep my multiple tasks simple such as working on a computer entry and doing a load of laundry at the same time; works for me. If the phone rings and I talk to someone, I'm really impressed that I'm doing three things at once.

4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What high school stereotype are you?

What the ??????

5. What was the hardest thing to master when you were learning to drive?

The most difficult thing of all was attempting to learn parallel parking and, in fact, I never really did.

6. How well did you do with that one thing on your very first driver's exam?

When I took my driving test and got to the parallel parking part, I just started to make my first attempt when my test instructor said something to the effect of, "okay, that's fine...that's enough". Yeah! Fine with me and I got my license on my first try and if there's one thing I do not do to this day, it's parallel park and I've gotten along without it very well, thank you.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1.)  My family, though invited, choose not to read my blogs.  Last summer, I told a former co-worker, in answer to the question, "What have you been doing lately?" that I had a blog.  She looked at me like I had just eaten a frog and asked,  "What's a blog??"  Sigh!  Lisa  :-]