Saturday, October 2, 2004

Beautiful October

As far back as I can remember, October has always been my favorite month.  The air has a special quality to it.  The days are comfortably warm, the nights cool.  There are days when the azure shade of the sky is so vivid, it takes my breath away with its beauty.

I love the colors of autumn.  The sight of leaves turning to shades of red, yellow and orange is one of which I never tire.  When I lived in New Jersey there were plenty of maple trees that erupted into beautiful colors before they lost their leaves.  I feared I would never see such beautiful trees such as these again when I moved to California.  Happily, I discovered that liquidambars, of which there are plenty around here, more than held their own as a most satisfactory substitute.

The light in October is different from any other time of year.  It is softer and when it suffuses the vineyards, also full of fall color, and the surrounding hillsides, the visual effect is almost surreal.  Sometimes the rows of grapevines in their autumnal glory seem to glow when the late afternoon sun hits them just right. 

There is a crispness in the air that brings with it anticipatory thoughts of a crackling fire by which to sit and swirl a snifter of brandy, flannel sheets, cozy slippers and a soft blanket to nestle under while reading a good book.  October also brings back to me that hour I've been missing since we turned our clocks ahead in spring.  The older I get, the more I seem to miss that little hour.  Oh happy night when I snuggle into bed with my beloved at 9pm or so and as if by magic, suddenly it's only 8pm.  This is pure bliss.

My second favorite month is December.  I love Christmas in all its glory.  I will most definitely expand on this subject closer to the actual month.  I'm in no rush!




Anonymous said...

The sunsets in October are my favorites. Loved your descriptions and photos too.

Anonymous said...

I swear, we are twins separated at birth...  I LOVE autumn...and Christmas.  I'm a Christmas junky.  And I got married in October because I love the month so much.  

Vineyards!  We have no shortage of vineyards here in the Pacific Northwest.  Up until now, it never occurred to me that they must be beautiful in the fall.  Have to put that on the list of things to do on our vacation--autumn vineyard tour!  Lisa  :]

Anonymous said...

I concur.  Autumn is invigorating!  I grew up in New England and Octobers there are so breath-takingly beautiful they actually hurt.
Weird, huh?

Anonymous said...

Very convincing vote for October. October has so many excellent qualities and you touched on most of them. Love the picture. Here the days of October are already cooling and the frost has touched the vegetable patch. Love the cooler more comfortable evenings. December is another favorite of mine, especially if we get TONS of snow. The holiday music, gaily decorated houses, visiting relatives, sleigh rides. Please feel welcome to visit my journal and read about my favorite month and let me know what you think. Take care and be well.