Sunday, October 9, 2005

Time Once Again for The Saturday Six!

Picture from Hometown

Saturday Six - Episode 78

1. What's your favorite brand and flavor of ice cream when you go grocery shopping? This is so sad! I don't buy a "special" brand of ice cream. I buy sugar free, low fat ice cream and there aren't too many companies that offer this. I buy it for my husband and if it isn't chocolate, he's not interested. I like ice cream well enough but it's one of those things I rarely eat. There's no bad flavor of ice cream; they're all good. Is there any of it in your freezer right now? Yes, Sunnyside Farms Triple Choclate, No Sugar Added, Light Ice Cream.

2. When was the last time you ate a fresh fruit as a snack rather than something not "diet friendly?"
Yesterday, a banana.

3. Take this
quiz: What language should you learn?

You Should Learn Swedish Fantastisk! You're laid back about learning a language - and about life in general.
Peaceful, beautiful Sweden is ideal for you... And you won't even have to speak perfect Swedish to get around!

Cdmmw2: If you could relive one moment of your life and watch it (like a movie) but not interfere, what would it be? I would choose my wedding ceremony. I know it was beautiful, intimate and very romantic. I wept through most of it and was pretty much incoherent when it was time for me to speak up. If this moment could stretch into several hours, I'd like to watch my reception. I know it was lively and fun but I drifted through it in a haze of eurphoria and my memories are far from crystal clear.

Debbie: What was something you were afraid of as a child? Spiders. Did you overcome the fear? I'm still not crazy about them but I've come to appreciate their worth in this world and unless they're in my house, I don't wish to destroy them.

Anna: If someone were to open your refrigerator right now, what item would it embarrass you most for them to find? Oh, probably something pushed way to the back that's covered with tin foil that I told my husband I wanted to save which, of course, I forgot all about. By now it probably is covered with white fuzz. Ah yes, a science project! I have such good intentions and think I'll eat it for lunch the next day which is crazy because I never do. But you see, he loves me and indulges me and knows damn well we'll end up tossing it the next time refrigerator clean-out day arrives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of spiders, either .... but I am getting better about them ... a bit !  Tina