Friday, November 18, 2005

"Survey Like None-Other!"

Well now.  Journal Land is in an uproar and aside from all the obvious annoyances and indignities, I really miss the question/answer games I've come to look forward to during the week that disappeared overnight because everyone is so angry.  Thanks to Tina, I found something to fill a Major Gap in my journal, such as it is at the present time.  I want to post something and my problem lately has been lack of time, inspiration and a sparkle in general to produce anything so this will have to suffice.

The goal is to have this in every single AOL Journal. What do you have in common with others? Do you like the same things? Post this and put the title of your entry "Survey Like None-Other!"  This is a great way to introduce yourself to new readers!  

1. What sign are you?  Leo

2. What is your favorite color?  Green

3. How many waffles could you eat in one sitting?  One

4. Can you touch your tongue to your nose?   No

5. If you had to choose between cats and dogs, which would it be?  At this time of my life, a cat.

6. What is something you have learned recently?  That I'm doing well in my new job and need to stretch myself to learn more.

7. What is your favorite quote?  Check out my profile, it's there. 

8. What is your favorite entry in your own journal?  Too many to mention.

9. What color is your bedroom?  Powder Blue (not my choice) and I just haven't gotten around to changing it.

10. Where is your favorite place to visit?  The Springs.  For more details, check out my other journal

11. What is one thing you want to accomplish this year?  To officially achieve Menopause...I think I'm going to make it.

12. Why do you write in a journal?  I love to write, it's a great catharsis.  It's an excellent format to record memories.  I enjoy the interaction/comments/feedback from others.  I wanted a hobby and this option presented itself at the right time and a hundred more reasons.

13. What is your favorite joke?  These two Irishmen left a bar... it could happen.  I love jokes; I'm a terrible joke teller and don't even try.  If I do try to tell a joke, I always mess up the punchline.  I'm married to an Irishman and he is a master joke teller.  I'm a great audience and, therefore, we are a perfect match! 

14. Do you like the city or the country?  Country

15. What style is your house decorated?  Early American Attic

16. Who is your favorite artist?  It's getting late and I need to go to bed.  I have several but if you really want to know, start reading my journal, get to know me and then we'll talk.  I'm very fond of Maxfield Parrish, I enjoy Dali and well, there's many more.

17. Can you pat your tummy and rub your head at the same time? Yes

18. Are you a night owl?  If I lived alone, yes...I would be.

19. What is something you love in your house? (If you have a picture you get extra credit!)  My family and my beautiful cat.

20. Do you believe in God?  I believe in a Supreme Being

21. What hobby could you never give up?  Never say never

22. What color makes you think of Hope?  White

23. What color makes you think of Love?  Red

24. What is your favorite flower?  I have a lot but I love daffodils and pansies.

25. If you had one wish for the world, what would it be?  Peace it is.  Can't we all just get along?

26. Whats the best surprise you have ever received?  A visit from a friend.  (and I don't know why I couldn't get rid of the underline.)

27. What can you cook like no-one else?  Too many things to mention.

28. What do you think about most?  My world.

29. Who is your favorite poet?  Don't have one.

30. And last but not least, if you could wrap yourself up in one word...what would  that word be?  Luscious.



Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, Meredith.  I'm sorry about the J-land blow-up.  I'm already thinking that everything will blow over in  week or two.  Love your survey answers.  And you KNOW I'll always be back... Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

My answers are WAY off from yours!! :)