Monday, January 3, 2005

First Saturday Six of 2005

Picture from Hometown

1. Where were you when the clock struck midnight?  With whom did you ring in the new year?

Safe and sound and fast asleep in my own little bed with my beloved husband and our new little kitty.

2. Do you have any foods you always eat on New Year's Day, and if so, what do the foods signify for your family?

Not particularly.  This year my husband made a huge pot of lentil soup--it's yummy--and we ended up sharing it with some visiting family members and an impromptu party was born.

3. Do you believe that these "superstitious foods" work?

We don't have serve anything that carries any superstitious significance  but I have heard of the tradition of eating black-eyed peas on New Year's Eve to ensure good luck for the year.  Methinks the entire population of the planet should've had a spoonful of these last Friday night!

4. Did you make any New Year's Resolutions this year, and if so, which of them do you honestly expect to have kept by December 31, 2005?

No lengthy lists of resolutions but I'm currently working on a journal entry regarding my one resolution for 2005.

5. What is the most enjoyable DVD you purchased in 2004?  What's the most enjoyable DVD boxed set you purchased in 2004?

We are just beginning to build our DVD library; already have some great ones given as gifts but none were purchased in 2004.  We're off to a good start for this year, however, and were given several the previous year.

6. What would you most like to see change in AOL Journal-land in 2005?

I would like to see some changes with the journal format.  I wish the fonts wouldn't suddenly switch within the same entry (such as what happened with this one.  How did it go from small to big when I didn't initiate any change?). 

I wish an icon exisited that I could click on to condense a journal entry that was written on a wider monitor than mine to fit my monitor.  It's so annoying to have to slide back and forth, using the bottom bar to read these super-wide entries.  Alas, I have a 13-inch screen; the rest of the world seems to have a 17-inch one or larger. 

P.S.  I just hit "save" and then had to re-edit this entry a bit only to find that once it got into the journal, the font was uniform.  As I was typing it in the entry box, it wasn't.  Strange! 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They haven't worked all the bugs out of the journal format, and I don't think they ever will.  The "super-wide" journal entries are some kind of boo-boo in the system.  A friend of mine had some weird bugaboo for awhile where every entry she made was as wide as the longest sentence.  She couldn't figure out what the problem was for the longest time.  Finally got it corrected...don't know if she ever figured out the problem or if it just went away by itself.  I guess if we want to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to post journals online, we have to put up with the technology hiccups:-P  Lisa  :-]