Monday, September 6, 2004

A Faint Glimmer of Recognition

Well now, I'm a happy camper.  I've been "blogging" along quietly now for the past six months or so in my own little way and lo and behold I received an e-mail from the AOL Journal Editor telling me one of my journals is being considered as an Editor's Pick.  I realize the key word here is considered and as such, it's not time to hang up the party lights and pass the hors d'oeuvres tray in preparation for celebration.  However, to achieve even this small recognition is flattering and puts a big smile on my face.  I'm fairly easy to please.

For all I know, all AOL journalers get this e-mail at some time much like anyone who ever entered a science fair back in school received a participant ribbon.  This was a pretty, showy thing to hang on the wall but it didn't mean squat.  This, then, is a perfect occasion to fall back on the old "ignorance is bliss" philosophy.  Please don't rush to inform me this is indeed the case which would immediately burst my little bubble.  It's a thrill to get this far; everyone enjoys a little recognition at times.

I stumbled onto the world of journals inadvertently and was captured immediately.  I created a journal of my own to help fill a terrible, gaping void left from circumstances that caused me to stop writing to a friend on a regular basis.  The need to write was overwhelming but what good was continuing to write if not for someone else's eyes?  By journaling I saw an opportunity that would satisfy my need to write and supply a following should anyone happen to find and become interested in that about which I was writing.  This has become a most compatible combination and pastime for me.

My journals have become my hobby.  I look forward to reading entries in the journals I've been following.  I love creating and entering my own contributions and reading comments from those who care to leave same.  By the same token, I enjoy adding my comments to journals I read.  I write for my own pleasure.  If those words please someone else, this is an additional perk.  If my thoughts, memories and expressions garner a selection in the Editor's Pick, I'd be extremely pleased.  I won't hold my breath on this one just yet.


Anonymous said...

You'll be featured, I am sure of it-- but it might take a while.  I waited 6 months after being notified-- and once I wasn't notified at all.  I am so pleased to hear you say you "need" the comments.  I am afraid the drama queen in me does, too.  I've never kept a paper journal so religiously as my 5 AOL cyberjournals.  I'll be partying with ya when Springsnymph gets the spotlight!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations.....You have a wonderful journal and I can't wait to see you in the spotlight. : )

Anonymous said...

Picked or not you have a captive audiance, and we love it! Add one more by the way, as I just sent the link to your journal to the hubbies address as he is always asking "what is that" and trying to read over my shoulder!

Anonymous said...

My views on the "editors' picks" are the stuff of legend.  I won't burst your bubble with them now.  If it makes you happy, that's what matters.  I've pissed the editors off enough that they wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole anymore!  LOL!  Lisa  :-]