Sunday, May 22, 2005

Saturday Six - Episode 58

Picture from Hometown

1. What is the last product or service you tried just because you saw a commercial that impressed or amused you about the product? Did you like the product or service after you tried it?

Truthfully, I can't think of any at this particular time. The product I would most like to try and probably buy that I see continually advertised on TV is the Bowflex Exercise machine. I think this is a great looking piece of equipment and I can just picture myself using it on a regular basis.

2. How old is the oldest photograph in your home? Are you in it?

The oldest photograph in my home probably dates back to about 1938. It is a picture of my mother in her R.N. uniform from when she graduated from nursing school. It's a wonderful picture and I wish I had the means to show it here.

3. What is the most supernatural event you have experienced? Did you feel there was a specific reason that it happened to you?

Alas, I am not very receptive to supernatural events. However, when I went out on my very first date with the young man who became my husband, the minute I got into his car, turned and faced him and we began to talk, I felt as if I'd known him all my life. Interesting to note: The first time I met him was about seven months prior to this and I had no feeling like this at that time whatsoever. The sensation that overwhelmed me upon the second meeting was intense enough to make me think there really might be something to the idea of reincarnation. I knew I had been with this man before; it was that strong a feeling. The specific reason for this was obviously to give me a major hint that this was the man with whom I should spend the rest of my life. Even though I was only 16, I heeded that "little voice" that seemed to be shouting at me from within for fear of being ignored. Happy to say I chose wisely.

4. Do you usually consider the glass half-empty or half-full?

Oh dear! This is the classic optimist/pessimist question. To be perfectly honest, I tend to consider the glass half-empty but I'm trying to change my perspective.

5. What part or parts of your body do you shave regularly?

Well! This is a highly personal question for The Saturday Six! Legs, underarms and maintainence of a well-trimmed triangle.

6. What day is typically your busiest of the week? What day are you usually the happiest? What day are you usually the saddest?

All my workdays are consistently busy. Since Saturday is my last day of work for my week, I guess that's my happiest. I get out at 2pm which leaves me with most of the afternoon and two full wonderful days off (and they're very happy days too) ahead of me before I have to return. I don't have a predictable "sad" day. What's with that? Sad or unpleasant things happen but thankfully, there's no pattern to their occurrances.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you said this about being sixteen. Mandy and Derrick are so happy together, and next month it will be a year. So many people say she is too young (seventeen) to feel this way, but they seem so perfect for each other...and they make each other so happy..