Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A Somber Subject: Death Rights

This past Sunday's newspaper has been relegated to the recycling bin, most of its contents already forgotten. One article stuck with me all through the day, however. Its title was, "Should doctors be able to help the sick to die?" Sometime this summer the U. S. Supreme Court is going to consider the legality of Oregon's Death with Dignity Act. A similar bill for California backed by Eureka, CA assemblywoman, Patty Berg, is up for consideration this coming Wednesday. This is a subject ripe for passionate disagreement for and against the radical idea of assisted suicide. My personal experience of dealing with terminal disease comes from what I've witnessed at my work and knowledge of the fact that my brother-in-law has Parkinson's, a disease with no known cure to date. Everyone has their own moral values and experiences to shape their opinions and we are all entitled to them whatever they may be.

I read in this particular article that opponents think that dying patients have no moral right to play God with their bodies. If the means are available and an indivdual feels that he can no longer endure the pain and suffering a terminal disease is causing him, why is it so wrong to make a conscious decision to take something to end more weeks, months or even years of life? I don't think it's life to be debilitated, confined to a bed or machines that are responsible for continued living for an unknown amount of time that may be filled with pain, suffering and despair. I wouldn't want to live like this. I wouldn't want my spouse to live like this nor anyone else I was deeply, emotionally attached to. Would you? Does this way of thinking make me a bad person, a monster? This is all about death. How about what's been going on with all the changes that have developed regarding conception?

Thousands of women are prescribed fertility drugs in the hopes of becoming pregnant because they're unable to on their own. Thousands more become impregnanted via the clinical insertion of sperm from a donor, often unknown. Women become surrogate moms and allow to have a fertilized egg (from another couple) planted in their uterus to bring to term because the producer of that egg is unable to do so. For those who are desparate to have children and these are their only options, this is all wonderful. Is it normal? No. Do these methods follow the natural order of how human beings procreate? No. I'm sure there are plenty of objectors to these modern methods of pregnancy and childbirth as well. However, these options are legal and take place all the time.

I passionately believe that the decision to have children is highly personal. The decision to terminate a pregnancy due to a known problem with the fetus or because a woman cannot care for and/or cope with yet another child but refuses the option of adoption is highly personal. The freedom to make an intelligent, knowledgable decision to end one's own life which has been dealt a premature death sentence is also highly personal. I think all these decisions should be discussed and made among the affected individual, their doctor and significant other(s) and that's all. I would hope with all my heart that if such a fate as the latter (the first two are no longer viable possibilities) befell me and I was able to employ the option of assisted suicide that if I chose to do so, those who know and love me would understand. Yes, while there's suffering and pain, there remains life but perhaps I may not wish to continue that kind of life. And yes, life is precious but I'm more concerned with the quality rather than quantity of that life which has been granted to us.


Anonymous said...

I dare say,if I had had this option,back when I was in the hospital after my stroke, I might not be typing this now, the only dignified  death is a natural one , we are all entitled to opinions, it does not make you a moster, I am conflicted because, the hard days I just want to die , the good days I am happy I'm here  but deep in my heart I say it's wrong, as is abortion, again , had this been an option in 1961 I might not have been here, my mother was unwed and had no support, but she endured,in short my beliefs will not be swayed and I will only support doctors who align with my thinking, if we allow too muh free thinking on the right to death issue, someday ,it may be the insurance companies deciding, not individuals.
  ~ Julie~ http://journals.aol.com/joolsinwa/randommusingsofmymind

Anonymous said...

Though I strongly disagree with the previous comment, neither do I agree with "assisted suicide."  Not that I believe that people should not have the right to end their lives when faced with the suffering and debilitation of a terminal illness.  I just don't believe they should need a doctor to "prescribe" suicide for them.  If someone wants to kill him/herself, there are myriad ways to do this without getting a doctor to prescribe an overdose of narcotics.  In my mind, people contemplating this kind of suicide are just looking for an okay...for absolution, if you will.  Suicide is an extremely personal decision...maybe THE ultimate personal decision.  One may wish to involve one's family or significant other in the decision, but I really don't see the need to drag a physician into the process.  That is not and should not be a doctor's function.  Lisa  :-]  http://journals.aol.com/mlraminiak/ComingtotermswithMiddleAge    

Anonymous said...

Okay, my 2 cents....I feel assisted death is a good idea for the terminal ill or vegitative. The only problem comes from people who might off thier parents for a stubbed toe to get the $ they may have. For that, I agree that a physician needs to be involved. Also, an unassisted suicide ( yes there are a million ways to kill yourself) is considered a crime and negates a great deal of insurance policies as well as benificiary rights. If I was in a car accident and was brain dead...how can I hold a gun to my head? And if I do and am successfull...should my husband and my daughter receive no componsation since I wanted to end my pain??? Not in my opinion. I also agree that abortion is a womans right, and most for sure in acts of incest or rape. I feel it shouldn't be used as birth control ( having multiple ones is careless) but it should be a choice. There are tons of unwanted children, we are a crouded planet...why invite more if not needed? Also, we as Americans feel that our way is "the way" in a lot of things...many coultures and beliefs ( some American) think of our life here as a beginning, and death as a beginning to a new venture, why hold us back from somethin new?  In short, I agree with the author, and if her day comes I will help her and my father as I would hope that they would help me, not for money or greed, but for humane reasons.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. I know that once a person exists in unbearable pain that we should allow them the same compassion we allow our pets, to die easily and painlessly. I do believe that the individual would have to make the decision, and not anyone else. It is only merciful.